Art & Culture Group, Inc.

Art & Culture Group, Inc.

...creating the connection between the Arts and Communities

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About Us

Art & Culture Group, Inc.

was founded by Lucy Keshavarz in 1999 with a vision and passion for creating connections between arts and communities. This passion has lead to successfully completed arts projects in Palm Beach County, Florida and throughout the country. We realize that no two places, individuals or communities are alike. We specialize in bringing project specific solutions based on assessed needs of the client, community, and site, which lead to authentic and original results. While understanding best practices and how arts and aesthetics are best applied, Art & Culture Group goes beyond these basics. Through an objective, informative and collaborative approach, more potential is available during the creative process and for the final product.


May 2016: "Ripple", an EcoArt project in Martin County's Old Palm City has been recommended for an Our Town grant in the amount of $50,000 from the prestigious National Endowment for the Arts.

The project is a partnership between Martin County Community Redevelopment Area and the Arts Council of Martin County, and will engage artist Lucy Keshavarz of Art & Culture Group to lead the stormwater design with significant citizen input and community outreach.

Old Dixie Eco Walk at Seabourn Cove received the Juror’s Choice Award for Year in Review 2014 at the Florida Association of Public Art Professionals annual conference in May 2014.

In 2014, Babbling Brook, an EcoArt project in Westgate/Belvedere Homes CRA received "Urban Oasis Designation" from Audubon of Florida and received the "Distinguished Engineering Project Achievement Award" by the Engineers' Council.

Artist Statement

The love of science and the natural environment are major influences in my work. These influences, combined with my natural tendency to question, drive me to create work that will have a positive impact. My artistic journey has allowed me to embrace numerous art forms and to work in many facets of arts administration, including working with non-arts entities. Over the last decade, I have transitioned from primarily arts consulting and facilitating public art projects to creating integrated public art and EcoArt. I have also begun creating works in clay and mixed media. I continue to expand my work by studying "green" technologies and finding collaborative opportunities as one of eight artists in the Viridis Art Collective.

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